Friday, October 27, 2006

Southern Living

A few more notes from our recent visit to Arkansas ...

I've included some more of Mom's photos. You can see the scenic, peaceful setting for the cemetery. I can remember going with my grandfather to water the arid cemetery in Utah where everything was brown and dry. In Arkansas, the cemetery is pretty and green.

Mom wanted her Dad to wear a cowboy hat again, so loaned him hers long enough to take this picture.

See the new friend I made at Grandma Parker's house? This dog barked and barked at me when we arrived, but finally decided I was harmless and snuggled up next to me.

I added one more photo showing more of the church building in Fort Smith.

And here is a good photo of Mom and her sisters ... the Pennington girls!

Monday, October 23, 2006

More on Nauvoo

I mentioned how much we enjoyed our recent visit to Nauvoo. As many times as we have been there, we were able to visit some places we had not previously seen. Here are a few of the photos Mom took (she has tons more).

I really like the way the temple is lit up at night.

And here is a good picture of Mom. The angle of the setting sun makes the color of the temple stone look darker than it really is.

We really enjoyed going down to the river as the sun was setting. Remember back in February of 1996 when we went to the re-enactment of the beginning of the Pioneer exodus? We were so cold I thought we were going to lose our toes and fingers. I still don't know how the Pioneers survived. Fortunately, we could enjoy the beauty of the sunset without worrying about our lives and well being.


When we went to Arkansas to visit Mom's family, we had the opportunity to visit the church building we attended in 1975. We first met on the way to church, so the building has fond memories for both of us. Now the building is used as a Montessori school. We don't know what it looks like inside; it was closed for the weekend when we were there.

We enjoyed our visit with relatives. As usual, Grandma Parker put on a feast. Here she is with one of the three pies she baked.

Here I am working for my supper, raking the yard to clear the debris left by a fierce thunderstorm.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Mom and I spent an enjoyable weekend in Nauvoo attending a marriage seminar and being tourists in Old Nauvoo. Besides attending the very interesting and useful seminar, Mom took photos of everything that moved and some things that didn't. I, on the other hand, made good use of the jacuzzi in our hotel room and ate fudge. After Mom sorts through her pictures, I will see if she will let me post some. In the meantime, here I am having just finished carving a replica Sunstone with my car keys and fingernail clippers while waiting for Mom to take photos.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Unexpected phone call

Last week I was at work when my phone rang. But when I answered the call, no one spoke. I could hear some background noise, so thought I had a bad connection. I hung up and a moment later the phone rang again. Same noise, but still no voice. This time I quickly jotted down the number that appeared in my display.

I called back and was surprised when Emily answered. I realized that the number I had not recognized was Ben and Emily's cell phone number. Emily said she had not called me, but that Autumn had been pretending to make calls with their cell phone.

I asked to speak to Autumn and told her how excited I was that she had called me at work. "Poopa," she said, "I was pushing the numbers."

I wish I had thought earlier about getting Autumn her own cell phone so she can call me. Now I know what I will ask Santa to bring her for Christmas!

Healing Fields

Last month a "Healing Fields" memorial exhibit in honor of the victims of the September 11 attacks was held in West Des Moines. Nearly 3,000 flags -- one of each person who lost his or her life -- were exhibited on the grounds of a local company. Each flag had a yellow ribbon attached listing the name of one of these individuals and where they were that day. The flags were sold to raise funds. Mom and I purchased four flags and took one with us to Arkansas recently to present to Wayne and Lana in honor of his service in Iraq. Here are some of the photos Mom took, including one of her with the bagpiper who played "Amazing Grace" in remembrance of those who died.