Several weeks ago Mom and I decided to replace our garage door because it was so water damaged. I did this against my better judgment, because we had not saved the total amount of cash to pay for the new door. And wouldn't you know, this apparently unleashed the following avalanch of unplanned expenses:
- the water heater failed and had to be replaced
- a tire on the van picked up a nail in the sidewall and had to be replaced (punctures in sidewalls can't safely be repaired
- the battery in the van failed and had to be replaced
- the Honda Laura drives needed four new tires
- the radiator in the Honda had to be replaced
I am re-learning the lessons of financial viability -- avoid unnecessary debt and always have a cushion for unexpected expenses. It looks like for Christmas this year Mom is getting a garage door and a water heater, I am getting a tire and a battery, and Laura is getting tires and a radiator. Merry Christmas!