One song still makes me nostalgic for those days, a novelty song called “I Won’t Go Huntin' With You, Jake (But I’ll Go Chasin' Women).” Yes, country titles are sometimes more entertaining than the songs themselves. But I have fond memories of this particular song because of a story relating to it.
This version was recorded by Jimmy Dean in 1962 when I was 7 or 8 years old. I used to listen over and over again trying to learn the words so I could sing along. But there was one phrase I didn’t understand. “… them gals wear clothes that we ain’t seen beneath them gingham gowns!” When I asked my Mom to explain what those words meant she was embarrassed and initially refused to tell me. Finally I think she mentioned something about women’s underwear – that was all I cared to know. (Remember, these were the days when my Grandmother Oviatt would not utter the word “pregnant.” The proper language was to say that someone was expecting or was “PG.”)

It is funny how this song – and the memory of that story – has remained with me all these years. I’m including a link to an audio recording of the version I listened to as a child and hope you enjoy it.