Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday Morning Waffles

A tradition in our family was for Dad to make waffles on Saturday mornings. I don’t remember how this tradition was born, though I have fond memories of my father cooking eggs and potatoes on occasion. Somehow, Dad’s cooking tasted extra good – probably because of the novelty of him cooking. I’m sure that Mom must not have appreciated our making such a big deal out of Dad’s cooking when she did the lion’s share of fixing meals!

In our “empty nest” we rarely have waffles. In fact, we no longer own a waffle iron. But on Saturday morning it was a big deal to dig out the thrift store waffle iron and make a big batch. Here is the original recipe I used:

· 2 cups flour
· 2 heaping tablespoons baking powder

In a separate container mix:
· 1/4 cup oil
· 2 cups milk
· 4 eggs

Add all ingredients together, mixing well (add solids to liquids so it doesn’t lump on the bottom). Cook in a hot skillet. Eat and enjoy!

One modification I made later was to separate the egg whites, beat them until stiff, and then fold the whites into the batter (don’t mix too much).

1 comment:

Lisa Higginson said...


I have been wanting your original waffle recipe FOR FOREVER! The last time I was out in Iowa I asked you for it and you couldn't remember it, and you didn't know where you had put it. I was devastated! Now I have it, and I am so happy!!!!

Love, Lisa