Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Parting is such sweet sorrow ...

Brian came by tonight for what may be the last time before he and Laura move to California on October 1. I have mixed feelings … sorry to see them go and at the same time excited for them to have this opportunity. This has come together very quickly for them. But they are pretty much ready to go and already found a place to live in Santa Monica. I do not envy them the drive from Des Moines to California.

As a missionary, I served for a short time in Orange County, California. One of the refugee families I helped resettle lived in Santa Monica. I remember being overwhelmed by the crowded area and congested roads. But I also remember great weather and fabulous people. I think anywhere you live has advantages and disadvantages. And, as always, what you experience is more about what is inside you than what is around you.

I am reading a wonderful book written by Harold Kushner, “When All You’ve Wanted Isn’t Enough.” He gives an example of a man who was so concerned about “moving up” and “winning” in his profession that he became dissatisfied, jealous, and lonely. But a significant change took place, resulting in the man becoming happy, loving, and caring. And what was the change? Kushner writes, “Nothing around him has changed but something inside him has changed, and he can look forward to his remaining years … as being productive and satisfying ones.”

The inside change is, I’m convinced, the biggest factor in how we experience life. I’m not so naïve as to think that there aren’t selfish, bad people in the world. And I am certainly aware that terrible things happen. But we are here to act and not to be acted upon by our circumstances or surroundings. When we have no choice or control about the things that happen to us, we always have a choice about how we view those things and respond to them.

Good luck, Brian and Laura. May you travel safely and enjoy the next stage of your life in a new place.

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