Sunday, April 12, 2009

Not a recession, but a compression

We are turning to technology in the fight against the lymphedema in Mom's legs. Last week I took Mom to be fitted for the compression device you see in these photos. This system consists of a pump (the small box sitting on the glass table next to the woman) attached by hoses to vinyl inflatable sleeves that zip around both legs. As you can see in the second photo, the pump connects to each sleeve by four hoses which are attached to four separate chambers in the sleeve. The pump is programmed for a 30 second cycle during which it inflates the four chambers, starting at the foot with more pressure and moving up the leg with less pressure in each successive chamber, before releasing the pressure and repeating the cycle. This "forces" the fluid up the leg and increases the circulation in the lymph system so that fluid does not collect in the legs, ankles, and feet. After an hour of this massaging we can see definite results.

One of the reasons we looked into this system is because Mom is supposed to be doing water exercises 3-4 times each week. However, when I wrap her legs Mom is unable to be in the water because the compression wraps are supposed to stay on for two or three days. So on the one hand Mom is being encouraged to swim and on the other hand is being told to keep her legs wrapped. We hope that this device, which conveniently zips on and off, will allow Mom to get the compression treatment she needs and still be able to exercise in the water. Maybe this combination will help keep down the swelling in her legs.
This does not entirely replace the compression wrapping I must continue to do, but it will provide Mom more flexibility as to when the wrapping will need to be done. We are so grateful for the miracle of modern medicine and the treatments made possible by inventions such as this one. We are also thankful for insurance to help with the cost of the device. Without insurance, this would not be an option we could afford.
I pray that Mom will enjoy good results from this equipment.

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